Call for abstracts

Prepared abstracts should be sent to the conference email . All abstracts will be reviewed by Scientific Program Committee and the results will be announced by emailing a notice of acceptance to corresponding author. Instructions for preparing abstracts will be given in the conference web page. Abstracts will be published in the conference book of abstracts.


Papers should be submitted in English. Texts should not exceed one page, illustrations are allowed. Template is provided in the conference page. The document should be sent in .docx file format, the filename should be the name and surname of the corresponding author i.e. name_surname.docx

NOTE: Quality of submitted papers belong to author(s) responsibility.

Proposed abstracts will be subjected to approval by the Scientific Committee.



Poster presentations

A poster is a graphic presentation of an author’s research.

The poster should include: the title, author’s name, institution and country.

We recommend introduction, results and conclusion.

The language of the poster should be English.

Poster size A1: 60 cm (width) x 90 cm (height). Organizers will provide adhesive pads for setting up the posters.

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